Understanding the Casual Creator through Behavioral Habit Analysis


Growth Strategy

Behavioral Science

Marketing Strategy

The Challenge

A multinational software company sought to improve monthly launches of one of their content creation products among non-professional users (“the hobbyist”) – via relevant and effective engagement marketing campaigns designed to inspire creative customers.

The Solution

CMB developed a mixed-method qualitative-quantitative study to understand the hobbyist and gain actionable insights and uncover key aspects of engagement that feed into creative user habits.

We designed an immersive online discussion board, aimed at “being with” the user alongside their software usage, followed by a subset of in-depth interviews to dig into key findings that emerged.

The qualitative insights informed a quantitative study to gain a more nuanced understanding of habit elements for this audience, and we leveraged AI to analyze open ends and further understand sentiment.

The Results

Findings from our work continue to guide our client’s investments in consumer targeting, as well as directly informing the development of marketing and messaging content aimed at this non-professional audience.